Recruiters are often accused of not getting back to candidates but we have the same problem the other way round currently.
We are experiencing a large number of people submitting their CV's for roles but when we try to contact them by phone, email and text to ask them to meet with ourselves, we receive no reply. Whilst there is always an element of this in our job, it is happening to a much greater extent at the moment. The result is that we are wasting a lot of valuable time trying to speak to people, who are not serious about their job hunt. That time could, instead, be spent helping people who are desperately wanting to change job. I can only assume people send their CV and then are getting cold feet about changing jobs in the current uncertain climate when a potential interview means that their job hunting is turning into something real rather than just a wishful thought.
We are always delighted to receive your CV and herlp you with your job hunting but please, please, please make sure you have every intention of responding to us when we call if you do submit it. Thank you and have a great week.
Jeanette Robinson